If you remember, I posted an entry a month ago about 12 Love Stories that are close to my heart. These were my friends in and out of the church. And as I begin to contemplate on our first year as Mr. & Mrs. Palarca, I can’t help but be thankful for the inspiration, guidance and examples set by the older couples in our church that have touched us for the past year. Hence, yesterday I was moved to list down these said couples and make a Batch 2 of my own list of “Ordinary People Extraordinary Love”. I haven’t been with CCBC for that long so I’m not really that adept about these couples’ love stories in their entirety. I can only write snippets of it from whiffs and my perspective. This is how I see them and how they made an impact in my marriage. I hope they inspire you too...
[Sequenced according to years of marriage)

"In Sickness & In Health…"
Cancer is always a tough battle… more so for husbands & wives. But indeed, you can really see a couple’s fortitude in times of pain. Ptr. Rene and Tita Stella’s marriage is proof that when God allows illnesses in our midst, it is really not just to test us but it is God’s unique way of highlighting our passion and compassion for each one, and most especially our desire for God. Tita Stella’s cancer may have gotten the best of her physical body but it has not stripped off any ounce of life in their marriage and in their ministry.

"The LDR: Long Distance Relationship"
If they say that the OFW (Overseas Foreign Worker) is the Bagong Bayani (Modern Day Hero), you could probably say that the OFW Wife is a Martyr. Both suffered for causes… The only difference is that while a hero is often times celebrated, a martyr usually remains unsung… and in this case left to do both the paternal and maternal tasks in the family. It is not easy to be an OFW wife but Tita Carrie does it with a lot of faith, hope and love… and may I add flair! They may be oceans apart but their love for the Almighty keeps them hand in hand.
"Music and Lyrics"
He writes songs… She sings… Would it be a surprise if they produce a musical Soul Child? Parents to award-winning musical artist Julianne, Ptr. Phil and Tita Rica are two of the most adorable people in church… and definitely one of the sweetest couples I’ve ever met. It warms my heart whenever I would catch Tita Rica, usually seated at the front right side of the sanctuary during Vesper service, looking at Ptr. Phil on the pulpit and listening to him intently and tenderly, with undeniable affection and loving respect, while he delivers another one of his life-turning messages to the evening worshippers. I could see her eyes beaming with pride, quietly depicting a sweet submission. At this point, they may play unequal roles of teacher-student; shepherd-disciple but as husband and wife they are clearly one… their marriage and ministry - put together like music and lyrics of a beautiful song.

"Mr. & Mrs. EE"
EE stands for Evangelism Explosion but it could very well mean Ever Effervescent when it comes to describing this beautiful husband and wife. I love couples who share the same passion, and the Quejadas’ heart beats loudly for evangelism. Their conversion story is truly a terrific testimony. They were at the height of their garment business around 18 years ago, with 2 little girls and an economically stable bank account when the couple felt that there was still some sort of emptiness in their home despite having filled to the brim every aspect of their domestic family life. They didn’t know what was missing until three people from CCBC visited them one day and told them about the Good News through the EE format. That day, Jesus entered their lives… their marriage. They fell in love with Christ more each day, and their desire for sharing the same Good News to their friends and families burned even deeper. As an act of faith and as answer to their burning desire to serve the Lord they turned their lives around by closing down their business and instead made God richer with the souls that they have been saving… working together on sharing the Gospel… training more believers to win more new believers.

"Beauty and the Beast"
Haha! Just kidding! I know their photo could almost pass up as an Executive Optical Ad but sorry to disappoint you, Tita Irene has 20-20 vision optically and most of all spiritually. Despite the 15 year age difference and the obvious physiognomy mismatch, they are in God’s book a match made in heaven. Their passion for serving the Lord is what makes them a beautiful couple inside and out – Tito Efren as one of the Board Members of the Church while Tita Irene is a prominent figure in Mary Martha (All Women’s Ministry).

"How do I love thee?... Let me count the 10 Ways…"
I see them around church regularly but I only had the chance to really interact with them during the Young Couples’ Fellowship that our group, the Young Adults Ministry put up last year. Ptr. Jorge and Tita Bolen were our guest speakers and it was from them that Joseph and I learned the 10 Ways of Marriage Intimacy. It was definitely an eye-opening lecture and it even made Joseph and me more excited about our years ahead. My favorite lesson that I learned from them was the importance of writing down a Mission and Vision as a couple. How do we want to be defined? What is our goal? Thinking about these things really puts the marriage in perspective. It really made us realize that marriage is more than just “being together” and working together to buy a house, car, life insurances, travel… playing Bahay-Bahayan. It was God who set this union so it is essential that our marriage should be in line according to His Plan.

"The Banker & the Bass Player"
They remind me of Louie Ocampo and his wife Jo – she’s also a banker while the guy’s a musician. How do numbers mix with notes? In the Directos’ case, how do interest rates mesh with guitar chords? They obviously come from two different worlds but only God can put them together. It probably helped that they were both part of the church’s young adults circle at that time. Their families were also two of the most active and largest ones in church. Come to think of it, if they had not found each other in church, the chances of them ever meeting at the center would have been odd. They say opposites attract but with this couple God is surely the magnet that pulls them together.

"Young @ Heart"
This couple is turning 20 this April 20 and yet they could still be mistaken as honeymooners. This Mag-Tarts, or mag-sweethearts leads the church’s Youth Ministry. So now you know their version of the Fountain of Life. She’s bubbly, he’s quiet… She’s kikay, he’s shy… I just can’t help but notice that somehow my husband and I are also like that. They’re really an admirable pair. The Youth@111 is definitely one of, if not the most dynamic and fruitful ministry of CCBC. Thanks to the leadership and dedication of this husband and wife team, they help make Christianity cool for this generation.

"And they called it Puppy Love…"
No... they didn’t fall in love while they were tweens. Hehe. They just share a literal love for puppies! Dr. Jun and Dr. Beth are Veterinarians, but they’re not just mere dog doctors… they’re what I’d like to call Vet-trepreneurs! Some people say it’s challenging to run an enterprise with your spouse. The pressures at the office can easily sneak into the bedroom. I’ve seen a lot of business partner couples crash and burn. I guess that really happens when you don’t take in God to audit your marriage. The Punzalans business plan was obviously written by God. They are actually our Marital Godparents and so Joseph and I really look up to them for entrepreneurial inspiration, most especially since Joseph is a Veterinarian himself. We found it really sweet that a few weeks ago, they invited us their inaanak (godchildren) for a fellowship dinner at their home. They expressed their sincere desire to get to know us more intimately in Christ… they want to journey with us in our marriage with the Lord in the driver’s seat… now that’s what you call a real Godparent!

"The First Couple"
Pastor ReyAv, as we fondly call him, is CCBC’s Senior Pastor. That makes Tita Glo, his wife the First Lady. And their home at Heroes Hill could very well be the White House. He’s affable and a natural comic. And she’s the kind of homemaker I aspire to be. Tragedies have come their way but God’s Victory prevailed. I really had a hearty laugh when Tita Glo quoted her precocious son on her blog: “Si Papa naman talaga ang ilaw ng tahanan eh… si Mama ang switch!” Their son hit the nail on the head. Ptr. ReyAv, as our Senior Pastor truly serves as light to his church and it’s no easy task. It is comforting and indeed a great blessing to know that while our beloved Pastor seeks to light up each person’s heart in the congregation, his devoted wife is there, inspiring him each day, like a switch to a lamp brightening a room.

"Driving Pastor Nicky"
If you didn’t get the allusion in the title then you’re probably in your twenties and below. Anyway, while the norm for most couples would be that of the husband driving, dropping and picking up the wife, those roles have been switched in the Joya marriage. Ptr. Nicky was our wonderful and helpful Pre-Marital Counselor, and so as someone who teaches us about “submission” it was kind of lovingly ironic that his wife is the one behind the wheel, literally. I find that cute. And they are really cute by the way; blessed even more with equally cute children.

"The Concert King & Queen"
Forget Martin & Pops, CCBC has Ptr. ReyMac & Ate Maya! The first time I heard this couple perform a powerhouse praise song, I was really blown away. I’ve always been honest about my non-preference for country-sounding Christian songs because I find them a bit boring. So when I started to hear this couple sing with soul in funk, rock and r&b rhythms, I said to myself, I can sing all day to God with these praises. Now they’re based in Thailand, serving a church there and ministering to young Thai people who have yet to know Christ. The CCBC stage certainly misses them. The Sanctuary is missing the echoes of their brilliant voices. But I am blessed that more than their voices, their friendship and Godly counsel have filled my heart.
We were honored by this Jill but let honor be for the Lord who makes things possible and bearable!There's still a long road to tread on and I would like to urge everyone in this "Rosy Love Stories" to pray for one another and let God's love binds us all together all the more. Personally I pray and hope...puppy love never dies!