I’m not really into the habit of putting down my thoughts & reflections for everyone to read. (I think I should leave that to my wife.) Also I’m not the type who really gets excited about his birthday. But this year, I find that for the first time in a long while, I have every reason to celebrate. A couple of weeks back, my wife and I were given the privilege of sharing our love story on TV (I’m sure most of you already read about it in my wife’s blog and I think some of you even saw it). I’d like to post what my wife wrote for me & read on that show:

Dear Babe,
It’s only been 10 months since we got married but it already feels like 10 years… I have grown so comfortable with you, everything’s familiar now and yet I still discover amazing and lovely things about you each day. The wonders never cease. Everyday in the morning, I thank God for the kiss you carefully put on my lips to wake me up. Every night, I praise God even more for the warm embrace where you wrap me in while I sleep.
As we approach our 1st anniversary in a couple of months, I’m excited for what God will write or perhaps has already written for the sequel of our love story. Our Part 1 was almost a tragedy but God indeed has a great sense of humor and turned it into a romantic comedy. I wonder what’s up next…
Whatever it is… however it will be… knowing that God has been faithful and actually gave me back my 1st love and my soul mate after so many years, I trust that tomorrow and the rest of our days together we’ll have faith, hope and most of all love.
-- Jill--

More than all the blessings & gifts that I could receive, I know that God has blessed me most with my wife. After everything that we’ve been through I’m amazed that she’s still with me, loving me in spite of me. Now that I have her, I can’t quite remember how life was before her. In fact, I can’t even imagine how my life would be without her. She reminds me what life is all about. It’s not the trials or the challenges or the “falling down’s”. It’s about the victories, about the lessons learned, about the “getting back up’s”.
She adds color to my life with her laughter, pulling me always from the dark into the light of her sunshine. She gives me strength with just a squeeze on my hand. Her warm embrace is all the confidence I need to face the world. She looks at me and I know that she sees so much more in me than I could ever realize – not just who I choose to be, but all the good things that I could become. I don’t think I could find anyone else who believes in me more than she does and I am overwhelmed by it. I find all of these in my wife – my lover, my friend, my ever loyal fan – and each day I am with her I find more like another pearl that I uncover. She’s my treasure. Babe, you are my blessing, God’s gift to me. Thank you for choosing to always love me.
Do you need to ask me more why I married this guy? Hehe...

I love you Babe... Happy Birthday... :-)
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