Manila wasn’t listed on the scroll bar so I had to “add” it in the list through a quick search. I typed in Manila and it appeared on the scroll bar. Instinct told me to click on it right away. After I did, YM loaded the weather info and I was surprised with the result – Manila’s evil hot weather only registered about 58 degrees in Fahrenheit! How could that be possible?
I sat up straight and checked it one more time and there it was – the little culprit is actually saying “Manila, AR” I was even more surprised. There’s another Manila in this world? Wow. How come I never knew that? And where is it? I read it again and it said AR… Hmm… Arizona??? Forgive my low IQ on American States. So I googled it and found out that “Manila, AR” is actually Manila, Arkansas. Arizona is actually AZ. There’s some quick USA 101 for you. But hey given the fact that Manila, Philippines is registering a strong 91 degrees Fahrenheit on

You know what, I could accept it more that Arizona would have this kind of weather compared to Manila. Consider the landscape. It’s just so unfair to have desert weather when we’re in fact a tropical island. Forget burning your heads off when you’ve got majestic Monument Valley to gaze at. Right now, all I can gaze at is the other building’s parking lot. Well, since it already feels like Arizona, might as well channel the canyons onto my wallpaper.
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