Hollis was my mom’s baby; an adorable male pug who at that time was barely 2 years old. He was my mother’s only source of joy. Being a hard-at-work nurse at one of New York City’s biggest hospitals and living alone at that time, Hollis proved to be more than just my mom’s companion… he was the love of her life in the lonely big city. I got to meet Hollis when I visited my mom in 2005. At first, I had some resentment over the couch-hogging canine. He was practically like a spoiled child! We were practically fighting over my mom’s attention and even over bed space. And he always won. Can you believe it? I admit. It was really petty and ridiculous of me to be jealous about a pet. After a few more days of being alone with him at home while my mom’s at work, I finally got to know him more and more and soon fell in love with the fella.
Finally on March 23, Mama Medy and a very energetic Hollis arrived in NAIA. Hollis immediately recognized me at the arrival bay and jumped on me as soon as I got to them. It was a happy reunion. Mama’s two spoiled brats are together again. In a couple of days, they will be flying again, this time to Davao City to spend a Holy Week vacation with our entire family. Hollis and Mama stayed at my condominium for the meantime. I would not be able to join them on their Davao trip so they decided to hang out with me first. This was also meant to give Hollis some rest in between flights. Even up to that point, Hollis showed no signs of any illnesses or symptoms that would lead us to conclude that he was sick prior to boarding the local flight to Davao.

Time was running out. It was only minutes away before the final call for boarding. My family was pressured. The check-in crew was impatient. The airport terminal was just one noisy jungle. My mom practically had no choice. She wasn’t used to this pandemonium. She has not traveled on local Philippine flights in a very long time. My sister had a little kid in tow, and she wasn’t a very experienced flyer too. If I had been there, I would have controlled the situation much better but regrettably I wasn’t around.
When Hollis peeked out of his cage and Mama Medy lovingly said goodbye, nobody thought that it would actually be their last moment together. Flight 5J961 from Manila arrived in Davao International Airport at 6:20 in the morning. Mama waited for Hollis’s cage to roll out on the conveyer belt. Most of the passengers’ baggage had already been picked up but still no sign of Hollis. Then a commotion was happening at the cargo disembarkation area. Mother’s instinct kicked in. Mama ran towards the place and for a few moments there, my sister said Mama practically turned white. Inside the cage was Hollis’s dead body.
Upon receiving the news via cell phone, my Aunt Sally Jonson who is a Veterinarian, rushed to the airport. By the time she reached the scene, more conflicting matters have already transpired. There was no authorized Veterinarian on site to conduct and record an initial external examination on the body. When my Aunt finally reached my mother who was still in severe shock, she was already holding two pieces of documents. One is a Certification from the Veterinary Quarantine Services declaring that her dog was found dead on the particular Cebu Pacific Flight, and another document – the dog’s Cebu Pacific transport paper with a stamp saying: Goods received in good condition.
My Aunt was aghast to learn that my mom was “forced” to affix her signature even if she “refused” because they said that they could not release the said cargo if she didn’t sign the papers. As usual, they used the all-time favorite spiel “It’s SOP!” I know that my mother should not have signed it but please don’t blame her. She was in shock. She didn’t know anyone in the airport. And clearly, Cebu Pacific capitalized on her frail state of mind. My mother was tired, confused, maybe even in denial, and that alone is proof that she wasn’t mentally healthy to carry out such standard operational procedures.
Hollis was brought to my Aunt Sally’s friend’s clinic at around 4pm. His body was opened for a necropsy examination at Dr. Baby Vilela’s clinic, conducted by Dr. Velila herself together with Dr. Ferrazzini, and witnessed by Dr. Jonson, my Aunt. Here were the necropsy findings:
So basically, the report concluded that Hollis died of hyperthermia or heatstroke. It was officially summer already during that time of year here in the Philippines. Blame it to Global Warming, what used to be just hot has now become smoldering hotter. Of course, to be fair, the veterinarians who did the necropsy had to state some predisposing factors such as Hollis being a brachiocephalic breed. This is a term used to describe the characteristic short muzzle of certain breeds of dogs such as pugs, shih tzus, and bulldogs. The short muzzle causes the dog to be hypersensitive to heat and humidity, requiring special attention. Difficulty breathing, wheezing, and snorting are common among them. Another predisposing factor was that Hollis was clinically obese. I told you he was a spoiled-rotten pooch, right?
However, given the circumstances that it was indeed fatally hot in the Philippines when New Yorker Hollis came to town and that he was unfortunately by textbook standards physically predisposed to have hyperthermia, these are all non-conclusive to the cause of his death. There were certainly a lot of other factors at play in this ill-fated incident.

When I heard these stories from the Cebu Pacific cargo personnel, I really wanted to hunt this man down and give him a dose of his own medicine. Guess what? Two days after the incident, Mr. Millo was already nowhere to be found. Apparently, he resigned just a couple of days after Hollis’s death. What I could not understand was how careless and lenient Cebu Pacific is to their employees. Clearly, there was still an unsolved case in their hands involving this person and yet they let him go just like that?

Just because of that, my plans on filing a legal case went up in smoke. At that time, I wasn’t that close yet to the people I know at the Philippine Animal Welfare Society. I didn’t know a thing. I researched on the laws governing animal cruelty and unfortunately it didn’t suffice.
The most that Cebu Pacific offered as payment for damages was four thousand pesos! Good grief. Of course I refused to accept it. No money could ever pay for the life of a lost loved-one. My mom was a complete wreck. When I started to pursue the case, my mom had already gotten back to NY. I didn’t want to further traumatize her. She has vowed not to be on any of their flights anymore. I was so overwhelmed too. On one hand, I wanted to purse the case and fight for Hollis. But on the other hand, one look at our animal welfare laws already gave me a sinking feeling. Wake up Jill! The Philippine Law doesn’t care about animals. If this was in the US, this would have been a multi-million lawsuit. Sadly, we are here in the Philippines where generally dogs are still dogs.

Case or no case, we stand by our belief that Hollis did not merely die of natural causes. At some point during the investigation, I heard speculations that the specific aircraft that carried Hollis Cebu Pacific Airbus 319 was not technically proficient to carry live animals in its cargo. I have not made any further investigation on this matter. All I know is that Mr. Millo himself claimed over a telephone conversation with my Aunt that he was actually the one who submitted a request to Mr. Lance Gokongwei to allow such aircraft to carry live animals. We don’t know whether this Mr. Millo is intelligent and qualified enough to render recommendations that warrant a scientific and legit engineering basis. Unfortunately, Cebu Pacific stands by its claim that Mr. Millo is already not connected with the company for further interrogation. For them the case is already closed.
So what’s my point in blogging the story now after 3 whole years? I’m not here to point an accusing finger. Not even to haunt Cebu Pacific. 3 years ago, our case fell into a lot of cracks. We weren’t prepared for the fight. So I guess all I want to do now is to let people know, pet owners more specifically, about this incident. If this happened to our Hollis, to our family, then it could certainly happen to you too. In the light of that cat serial killer case in UP Diliman versus this new Pet Airlines in the US, we can clearly see how far we have to go to fight for strong and working Animal Welfare laws in this country. 3 years ago, I admit, it was a long shot challenging Cebu Pacific with the words “See you in court!” And then I realized that this is the same fear that causes a lot of injustice in our country. When things are wrong we really do have to speak up and stick it to the man!
hi, i'm a friend of marla, she posted this link on facebook.. just wanna share with you what i experienced..
i used to study at UPLB (i'm a vet now), and i used to travel my cat (Marti) back and forth between manila and davao too. i always took cebu pacific (that was when they used their old planes). but there came a time when the airline got several new airbus planes (this was also around 2006), and they told me i had to sign a waiver because the cargo compartment of the plane did not have any heating mechanism installed yet, and it was not safe for animals because temperatures would drop to sub-zero levels during the flight. so what i did was i put Marti on a PAL, air philippines or asian spirit flight (their cargo compartments had heating), while i took cebu pacific. then i'd just pick him up at the airport and we'd go home together. only later when cebu pacific was able to install heating on their new planes did i dare to travel Marti on the plane with me..
reading your story, i think your mom's flight was on one of these airbus planes, and the sad thing is that with all the commotion at the airport that day they weren't able to explain things properly (or obviously the people handling the check-in were clueless). what probably happened was Hollis got too hot in the airport then too cold on the plane, and no pug would be able to take those exteme conditions.. i know how frustrating it can feel, i can only imagine how i'd react if i would be in such a situation, i know no amount of money could ever replace the love and joy you get from a pet.. let's hope others won't have to experience it
Thanks for your comment Bayani. I appreciate this. Yes I've been hearing about that story regarding the Cebu pacific planes. It was really so irresponsible of them to not explain all of these to my mother. Had she been told, of course she would not have agreed to put Hollis on board. I'm actually getting angry now that I know there is that option. I really hope this blog reaches Cebu Pacific.
Hi, I'm so heartbroken to read this entry. I've been eager to bring my dog Johann anywhere I go. Reading this made me fearful I'd lose him, too.
I agree, I hope this blog entry would make pet owners/passengers reconsider their flight arrangements and, more importantly, for the airline to act on this. This is so depressing.
Hello, I'm Janna's cousin. She sent an email to me sharing your blog. It's so sad to hear about your dog... My sister and I are animal lovers, and we know how truly heartbreaking an experience that could be for you and your family. :-(
Anyway, I like reading your blog, so I'll be linking you. ^_^
Hollis' story is so heartbreaking, it left me teary eyed. I remembered when I brought my then barely 2-yr-old mini pinscher with me to Iloilo year 2005 but it was thru PAL, I was also so worried while on board the plane thus I am so thankful that PAL crew were helpful and didnt give me any trouble or worries that time.
thank you for sharing this, I really pray that people would continue to be more aware of the welfare and rights of animals.
hi. i read your post thru the PAWS forum.
I am very sorry to hear about what happened to Hollis. I also have dogs of my own (they even have a blog) and I can understand the pain that you all went through when all these happened. I agree that our country is still so far behind in upholding the rights of animals.
I had the same predicament last December seeing as it was a really long vacation. i currently live in Cebu and I was planning to go home to Bacolod. Of course, seeing as it was gonna be almost 14 long days, I could not find it in my heart to leave my Labrador, Aki, all alone with a stranger for a nanny. I was almost tempted then to bring him via Ilo-ilo thru Cebu Pacific, as well. But I was too scared to even think what could happen to him during that short period of time. I had to leave him in the care of a friend, who gamely took the responsibility of taking care of him.
I can still feel the hurt of what happened to you, esp. to your mom. Some people just fail to realize that contrary to how they feel or think, dogs, for us are very special members of our family. they are wonderful angels who give us unconditional love, support and understanding, and yes, even bratty as they are.
Thank you so much for sharing this very difficult part of your life. I know this will help a lot of travellers in the future.
hi! i cried after reading your blog... i'm a pet lover myself having 12 dogs and 4 cats but my most loved baby is my 7yr old male pug bronson that's hy your story really struck my heart... it was really so irresponsible and heartless of that cebu pacific cargo crew that took hollis that time, i'm really angry... i just hope other pet lovers who travel or plans to travel with their pets would be aware of such possibilities. i would also like to link your blog so that many other would be aware. God bless hollis and may he be an angel watching over your mom. Gid bless you too!
Hi Jill, its my first time to comment here but I'm a regular reader of your blog. I have actually read this the day you posted this and it truly broke my heart. One of my fave blog - Marketmanila.com wrote a rant about Cebu Pac. I hope you don't mind but I gave your link as well so other people may read this story. Thanks.
As a dog lover myself, I am horrified at your story. Please accept my sympathy... This is not just bad customer service on the part of Cebu Pacific, but heartless and cruel.
Thank you for sharing this. I couldn't finish reading it though as I started to weep, thinking of how poor Hollis must have been terrified. (I only made it to the necropsy...) I'm so sorry for your family's loss. Pets truly are members of our families and I wish that more airlines acknowledged this.
I honestly believe that because of Hollis' tragedy and others like him, one day, pets will be treated better on Philippine flights.
what happened to Hollis is heart-breaking. i can only imagine how your mom felt at the airport. i am also a dog parent and i have been thinking of bringing Fritz with me in my next vacation. but after reading your story, i don't think i would ever leave my dog to the hands of any of our domestic airlines. no way!
Thanks for sharing this story. It mustve been very heartbreaking for you and your family. Having a pet is the same as having an additional family member and losing them doesnt differ from losing a person too. I totally agree with what you said that we have very poor animal laws here and it's such a shame that our pets are more HUMAN than other people.
My cat died this morning but it as due to natural cause, however, it hurts just the same.
Grabe. I'm a dog lover and I can't accept if that will happen to my babies. I will not fly Cebu Pacific again if I can help it.
I've been flying for quite sometime already and NEVER EVER TRUST CEBU PACIFIC - that is if you still want to have a life!
The only adjective word I can describe them is - SELFISH Why? Because they only think of themselves trying to fool us around that they are offering their stupid low fare! (anyhow that is a different story anyways)
The next you travel and your last option would be flying 5J - Better be SURE you do not have a hypertension, you have an insurance (Just in case you got sick of them). Be mentally and psychologically prepared!
Based on the story I read. I am completely devastated and super upset! Pet dog is not just a DOG. These beings are more valuable than the people of Cebu Pacific!
YES Please forward this to as many people as you can and let them KNOW!
I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your mom's dog. Our family are also dog lovers. My God! If that happened to our Labrador Pikay, the 1st person who'll say "IT'S SOP" to me will suffer a slow, bloody death.
Hi Jill, my sympathy goes to you and your mom. I know that Hollis is not just a pet but a part of your family. It is such a shame that we dont have proper laws for animals. CebuPac is really incompetent. Do believe in karma, though. Prayers for your family.
Hello there,
I can't help but cry while reading your post, I have a dog myself, and I can't even bring myself to imagine what it would be like to lose my beloved pet in such an inhumane way. My sympathies to you and your mother.
It's been three years now since Hollis passed on, did your mother get a new companion?
I stumbled upon this post as i was browsing and googling for a good dog doctor in cebu. I am in a long distance relationship with my babydog for 2 years now. He was a 2-month old pup when i brought him to manila & we lived in a 2 bedroom, 2-storey apartment for over a year. I rented the apartment for me and my dog. I intended for her to sleep in her own room because dogs peel off & i hate waking up smelling like a dog in the morning. Apparently on the very first day, we shared a room & never separated. Until that day my dad flew to manila because i just can't find the courage to bring my dog back to cebu. At the centennial airport (PAL Airport) my dog started acting crazy. He barked at everyone nonstop. He was just so rowdy and the airport personnel was so scared of his life that he asked my dad if it was okay that my dad assist him in bringing my 60pound pitbull in the cargo of the plane. My dad went to the live animals cargo of the plane & secured her there. He complained that it was hot in the cargo and it might endanger all the animals inside but the personnel explained to my dad that they make sure the temperature is suitable for every live animals inflight. So, going back to the post, I think the measly php4000 was just a refund for the cost of traveling your pug from manila to davao which, I think, is an insult to your mother. I know you didn't want the money. It would have been simpler if they admit their mistake, apologized & be empathic in offering whatever they can because they killed the dog. The problem is, they do not owned up to their mistake of killing a dog & instead they blame it to something else. WTF! Cebu Pacific can go to hell! FAA or the IATA people need to check on this airline before they kill another pet again... One more thing, that freaking airbus 319 excuse is just so lame. They should have known it wasn't capable of handling live cargo thus avoiding this situation in the first place. By the way, i hope this won't discouraged everyone to carry their pets in our domestic airlines (except cebu pacific, please). You can get air-travel insurance for your dog just like a normal passenger insurance. I paid php120 for my dog's cebu-manila flight because he was just really small & light back then plus a pal employee at the airport gave me a huge discount to which i am grateful for. It was in June2006 when i sent him back home to cebu. I paid php5000 total for his PAL flight back to cebu including all insurances & airport quarantine documents.
Hi there! I got here through a link posted on Facebook. I normally don't reply to blog entries of people I don't know, but this really makes me sad and mad at the stupid effing Cebu Pacific. Grabe sila!!!! I am also a dog lover, and our German Shepherd died of old age just this year. I can only imagine the grief and heartbreak of your mother upon the circumstances of Hollis' death.
Sayang talaga. Sana nga your mother didn't sign those papers but I understand why your mother did it. Grabe talaga ang Cebu Pacific, inuna pang protectahan ang kanilang mga y-know-what, kesa sa welfare ng customers nila. Nakakahighblood.
Ayoko nang sumakay ng Cebu Pacific. Seriously. I'll keep passing along this link too.
Take care!
Hi, i read your blog and i couldn't help get teary eyed and enraged. Some people don't realize the value and how special dogs are in peoples lives. Every time i think about dogs who got hit or died in the hands of a human being i felt so sad and angry. They never did ask for anything from us in return from being a loyal companion, a protector, and a loving and caring substitute to fill in the role when we feel all alone. And yet people take them for granted.
I'm very shocked and surprised that it happened with Cebu Pacific.I thought Cebu Pacific was safe. I had shipped a dog once to manila with Cebu Pacific about two months ago without knowing that this could happen to my dog.
I'm studying law right now and i believe you have a case with cebu pacific. Cebu Pacific can be made liable for the negligence of Mr. Millo because he is representing the Air line. Although Mr. Millo resigned from the company, at that time the incident happened he was in fact an employee of Cebu Pacific. Operators are in fact liable for the negligence of the employee. Justice must be served.
Hi. I'm really sorry about Hollis. The cebu pacific staff should've checked if the plane can carry live animals in the cargo area before they let Hollis in. I hope you and your mom will be ok now.
i was at the airport 2 weeks ago and saw an airport crew who just threw the cage with a minipin and shih tzu in it. The cage fell on the ground and the 2 dogs stumbled inside. I wanted to shout at that airport guy who didnt handled the cage with care as if its just another baggage with no life in it.
OMG! I don't want this to happen to my pet..My mom loves our pet so much and if this happens to us I don't know how my mother would handle such difficult situation..Cebu Pacific really suck!
Hi! Can I use your blog article as reference including the photos? I am writing about Cebu Pacific's poor customer service! Cheers!
Ryan Ericson Canlas
Speaking One's Mind
further proof of insensitivity and horrible customer service of cebu pac : http://www.dailymanila.com/2010/01/cebu-pacific-doesnt-like-special-children/comment-page-1/#comment-178
I'm deeply heartbroken with what happened to Hollis. I would be in a wreck if it also happened to my pets.
The first time I took a flight with that airline, I could tell that the way they handle the baggage/cargo are very very disappointing. On several flights I had with them, most of the baggage that I have checked-in for cargo returned to me in a somewhat deformed state. Even those they had marked as "fragile" ended up broken or squashed (and they didn't allow me to just bring them with me in the cabin due to "SOP"). And they are putting (or tossing) the pets in the same cargo area that destroyed my stuff???crazy.
Hi, I stumbled here while I was searching for the result of Mrs Alcantara's Case versus Cebu Pacific. I am very sorry for what happened to your Dog. I experienced Bad Handling of Pets courtesy of Cebu Pacific thrice already. This was way back in 2004-2005. First Incident happened after I attended Dog Show in Bacolod. I had with me 3 Chihuahuas. Upon entering the Terminal, the Guard at Cebu Pacific insisted that we put the Dogs under the Xray Machine!! I protested that never have dogs been Xrayed. Then after check in. We took the Bus to the Plane. I saw that my Cihuahuas crate was on the bottom, while luggages were stacked on it!! My heart pounded as to what could have happened, luckily the chihuahuas were safe and the crate strong enough to handle the weight of the other luggages. Next incident happened on a Davao - Manila trip. When it was time to get the Chihuahuas, I had 2 Crates with me, one of the Crates was turned upside down!! The third was on a Cebu- Manila trip, this time the Crate was open!! Luckily my Chihuahua did not get out of the Crate. Eversince, I have never taken Cebu Pacific if I have dogs with me. I always Insist on PAL, as they treats dogs with Care, unlike CEBU Pac which treat Animals like Bags.
my dog left manila by PAL on the 29th may 2010 and we picked up a lifeless dog last night at LAX CARGO. what did they do to him!!!! he was a very healthy dog w/ fullclearance from his vet and the bureau of animal industry in manila!
CEBPAC should get an award for the worst customer service. When i used CEBPAC to take my 2 dogs from MLA-BCLD, they asked me sign a waiver as well. Of course, i refused. I looked for another airlines to take instead- unfortunately PAL and AIRPHIL dont have available seats for that date. I got back to CEBPAC and asked for a supervisor, but the agent said he was busy with some important stuff- which really got me mad. Anyway when i finally was able to talk to a person in charge- he still made me sign the waiver but gave me an assurance that we are going to receive are pets safe. I was thinking of asking why there's a waiver but i knew theyd give the same answer. anyway, when i picked up my dogs - they were still alive, barely though - but minus their toys and the one cage was open! so i asked for a man in charge and guess what he told me - that i was lucky my dogs are still alive! that was the last time i used that airlines.
to get this blog to cebupacific I twitted it in twitter.
I have a labrador and I'm planning to transport her from Cebu To CDO. I'm just so afraid now to do it via their airline. I think it would be safe to travel with her by boat.
damn it!!!! im about to book a flight for my dog thru cebpac from dvo to mnla good thing i read this blog... thanks.
im really sorry for your lost...
Anonymously anonymous:::
sorry for the loss...
but in my opinion, you could file a case against the airline although the owner was forced to sign a document stating that the dog was received in dog condition although not... if the case has been pursued, and the judge would just be fair,the owner when she signed the document was in a state of shock... she was not in her mind. and this situation i think could make that document revoked... state of mind is i think considered in the court...
I am deeply sorry for your loss. I know it must have been hard for you to dredge up this awful memory but writing about this will enable other pet owners to make informed decisions about pet travel. I myself want to bring my English bulldog with me to Cebu as I will be staying there for 6 months and I was planning on using CebuPacific. Unfortunately, like Hollis, my bulldog is prone to heatstroke. He is also a brachiocephalic breed and overweight. After having read this article, he will no longer be flying on CebuPac. In fact I am considering just leaving him in Manila for 6 months or traveling with him on a boat to Cebu. I am not sure if CebuPac has done anything on this issue but it's too much of a chance to take. Again, I'm sorry for your loss but I thank you for this article, it may have helped me and a lot of other people avoid tragedy.
Your story is very heartbreaking and at the same time an eye opener for all of us. Surely, no amount of shitty cash can replace or match the love and joy these lovely pets of ours bring us.
Shame on cebu pacific, for not having the balls to take on their faults and discrepancies. Although there have been a lot of news lately about their faulty customer service!
I'm with you on this! I have a chihuahua that we consider a part of our family. Very well loved and taken cared of and I know how it would feel if I were in the same position.
Thank you for sharing your experience, for in a way it shall serve as a warning and caution to people like us who cares and consider pets not just pets, but family!
Hi. I couldn't help but cry when I read your story. Having to lose a pet that way is so tragic and heart-breaking. I can't imagine how painful that must have been for your family, especially your mom. Our family dog being a Shih Tzu (and short muzzled), I can't imagine what we would go through if this happened to him.
I commend your courage and dedication in pursuing the rights of animals. My heartfelt condolences and prayers to Hollis.
Cebu Pacific does not care about their customers..what more with animals! Our dogs are members of our family. We worry when they're sick & we grieve when they die but your case is very painful because you lose your dog because of their negligence & incompetence. It is SOP for them not to apologize. I have tried so many airlines and they have the worst ground service ever. There is no coordination, no system & even the manager does not know how to handle our complaints. They will not accept their faults & blame others for their shortcomings. Had a bad experience with them when they were still in the old domestic airport. I thought that maybe they're better now that they're in the new airport but I was wrong..my blood is still "boiling" now after taking their flight some hours ago but it's a long story. We (10 passengers actually) are planning to file a complaint to the authorities soon.
I feel so bad about what happenned. I have a puppy and I'm planning to bring her in our vacation to Boracay. I already booked to Cebu Pacific and planning to book my pet as well. But reading your story, its a NO-NO. We treated her as one of the member in our family and seeing your pet in such situation is so depressing. I will now check my flight arrangement before deciding if I have to bring her (not in this airline) or just leave her to a friend.
Oh my goddd.. i have a flight with this airline 3 days from now and im bringing my beloved shih tzu with me. T_T im so sorry for ur loss, must be very tragic and i hear ya, i love my dog just as much. couldnt imagine a terrible loss :(
I am planning to fly my dog from the Philippines to LA but I'm taking Southwest Airlines. They allow small dogs to not be flown with the baggages. Everything from Cebu Pacific is cheap - service, personnel, food, EVERYTHING!! FUCK THEM!!
I just want to SMASH CEBU PACIFIC in their faces!!!!
sorry for your loss. CEBU pac is a carrier full of cheapskates.
also want to say that putting the dog in a cabin would put the other passengers at risk, i could not believe you could even consider that.
Actually, there are several air crafts in the U.S. and Europe that allow pets inside the cabin. Of course there's a size limit. These should be small enough to be placed inside a dog cage that will fit under the seat. We obviously can't put Labs and other bigger dogs there. So as long as the dog is kept inside a cage, I don't see any immediate risk there.
Traveling by air is already a risk for you and me.
Wow Im speechless..
I am researching on how to travel a dog onboard and i have found your blog, a week from now, my cousin is going to bring our adopted chihuahua from manila to bacolod. I am praying that it would be a safe travel. and on december, we are also planning to bring our husky to iloilo for a vacation, and we are planning to bring him via cebu pac., good thing i read your story here. I am so afraid it might happen to him,..I am so sorry fo your lost, i cried while reading your story, and thank you for sharing it..
Another dead animal via CebuPa. :(
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