Speaking of Transformers 2 and in the light of Michael Jackson’s demise, the perfect song for my husband these days would have to be “Have You Seen my Childhood?” Like a “spoiled” kid in a candy store, his current indulgence is shopping for Transformers toys. And he really plays with them!!! The good news – he and Kean are totally bonding over it. The bad news – these toys cost at least P300 to P500 a pop! It may sound silly but this is really serious stuff for Joseph. Compared to my toy-filled childhood, he resents that his parents didn’t get him any of these robots back then. He recalls his mom saying, “It’s beyond your toy budget…” So the poor little boy had to live through watching those Uncle Bob’s Lucky Seven Club’s toy commercials without ever getting at least one of them. Awww… So now, I’m playing “mommy” to his reincarnated JJ (his nickname back then) and buying him these robots. Good thing that I’m also a fan and an ‘80s buff so I understand the need to feed the nostalgia.
So while my husband is going back to being 7 years old, I on the other hand had my own trip back to my 16 year old self by having a very ridiculous high school like crush on Zachary Quinto. Sigh… the name alone creates psychedelic hearts on my eyes. Let me just shriek! He’s soooo cuuuute!!! OMG my face is flushing just thinking about him.

Okay, before I go on any further, you might be wondering who the heck is Zachary Quinto? Well, for most people now he’s Spock from the new Star Trek movie but before that he’s been Sylar to me and to the legions of Heroes fans. I have never missed an episode of Heroes and even if the TV series has become too preposterous in its recent plot developments, there’s no stopping me from following Sylar – the super-powered serial killer who hunts the super-humans in order to steal their powers! He’s primarily a villain but I know there’s more to that psychotic persona… I know there’s a heart buried deep within that hate… I was thrilled when the series showed the character’s soft side as the plot’s paradox in the “Villains” season.
Anyway I could go and on about my own character analysis of Sylar – originally Gabriel Gray – but that would be too much of a geek talk. Yes, my husband and I are self-confessed Heroes freaks. We even plan to name our first daughter (IF EVER) Claire – after the show’s cheerleader character with the regenerative powers. Alright enough Heroes gab. Let me go back to Zachary.
I’ve always been attracted to him but the adulation was just limited within the show. I’ve had plenty of major celebrity crushes in my teenage years – you know that type of silly obsession that make you cut out their photos from magazines and stick them on your walls (don’t laugh!)— but I never thought I would actually have one again in my 30s! The last major celebrity crush I had that lasted all throughout my adolescent years was Keanu Reeves (don’t laugh again!) Hey if you saw him on “Pointbreak” you’d know what I’m talking about. And now ZQ makes me gush.
Like I said, before I was just in love with Sylar the character but now I AM IN LOVE WITH ZQ – the man who plays Sylar & Spock! This video did it all for me. Check out ZQ’s interview on Ellen last May.
Isn’t he totally adorable! Nothing kills me more than a guy who’s cool enough to strut some dance moves on national TV! Kilig to max! And so that got me hooked! I went online and plunged into Google ZQ Mode. I found his official website, grabbed his ooh-la-la GQ photos, put them interchangeably on my desktop (I’ve just recently named my laptop ZQ), became his fan on Facebook, and now having my own toy shopping spree by getting these Sylar and Spock action figures online!

I’ve been reading immensely about him and following his updates on FB. I even sent him a relatively long (giddy-sounding) birthday message last June 2. Actually his birth date stopped me in my tracks. The date was all too familiar and after jogging my memory about its significance, I stammered. He shares a birth date with some guy I used to “know”. Let’s just not expound on the meaning of “know” alright? I’m now a happily married woman. Enough said. But guess what, I also realized that ZQ and this so-called birthday twin actually have some semblances here and there. Hmmm… now this is the part where it kinda gets weird and worrisome. And I don’t know how else to end this blog so I’ll just trail off…
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