The commemorative book was my debut into church ministry and the experience was truly indescribable. To say that I learned a lot is an understatement. It changed me. It humbled me in ways I could not possibly imagine. It was an exhilarating adventure. And the best part is I did not go on this journey alone. More than the challenges that came our way, it was the people that I was with that made the quest much more meaningful. When problems arise, characters are put to test… relationships are shaken… friendships are put on the brink… and our motivations get muddled up. I was not perfect in handling this ministry. God knows how many times I threw a tantrum here and there about many things that were going wrong in the project. Looking back I am deeply ashamed for such selfish actions and I am publicly apologizing for it.
Finally, the commemorative book is out and though we cannot please everyone, more praises were received than criticisms. Gracious people have been sending their messages to me. I thank you all for the encouragement. But the truth is this book would not have been possible without the extra grace and tireless support of some very special people involved in this project. If they had not been a blessing to me while I was already going nuts over this ministry, then I might have had quit. So tonight, I’d like to honor these people with a few tokens that I have prepared for them.
I actually have “Awards” for these “unsung heroes” and tokens for EACH writer and contributor but for tonight I’m just going to name the TOP 6 Awards. Here goes…
The GODLY GENIUS AWARDS goes to 2 people. One is for doing an amazing job in bringing to life our vision for the book cover and one is for being our ever-reliable walking encyclopedia and historian when it came to pinning down some dates and facts for the book’s content. The GODLY GENIUS AWARDS go to CHRIS TARROJA and KUYA BOY DIRECTO!
The YUMMY Y.A.M Worker Awards. I call them YUMMY kasi “ANG SARAP” nilang ka-trabaho. And I am blessed to have them as my fellow workers in the Y.A.M. (Young Adults Ministry) These are the people who work without questions… who work with a joyful heart… I am really blessed with these people because when I asked them to write for the book, it only took them a day or two to submit their assignments. Proof that God and CCBC has blessed them immensely making them excited to share their blessed stories. Such a comfort to be working with such diligent and talented people. The YUMMY Y.A.M. WORKER AWARDS go to ARLYN LAPUZ, ARNOLD BAÑEL, and FREYA “WYNN-WYNN” SILVA!
This next award is called the GREAT COMEBACK AWARD. You see this project started out with a lot of volunteers but as the enemy shook us in many ways, only a few (very very few) survived to serve. This particular person fell off the saddle. But God wouldn’t take NO for an answer so by His Grace this talented individual emerged from the ashes, and went back on board. The GREAT COMEBACK AWARD goes to JULIUS VALIENTE!
1 comment:
wonderful! thank you so much for the award - first time ako nakatanggap ng ganito :) Na-encourage talaga din ako don. I truly praise God for blessing CCBC with the people you mentioned, and so much more. I especially praise and thank God for giving us you. "Super Duper Award"!
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