1. My “pet” project… the incorporation (SEC registration) of my new enterprise is on-going. Ugh! I totally abhor the bureaucracy of this country’s government system (if you can call it a system to begin with). The paperwork is horrendously inefficient. Oh well, talk about birth pains. The blessing of having my husband as a business partner is that he can be the yang to my yin. I am not very good with government clerks, bank tellers, and customer service agents. I easily lose patience with them. My husband is the complete opposite. He’s so congenial that I swear that BDO New Accounts Clerk was flirting with him this afternoon. Surprisingly, I did not care. I actually found it amusing and thought hey, if it means getting our way faster through the bureaucratic crap then I probably wouldn’t mind prostituting him. Hahaha!
2. Our new car! (and the loan that came with it! sheesh!) First, yehey Praise God for an answered prayer. We got a brand new black Toyota Avanza which we nicknamed Abba (for Avanza and most of all for Abba which means Our Father in Aramaic). We’ve always wanted a car of our own because Manila cab drivers are hell-sent! I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have a taxi horror story. Anyway, we really needed the car for our new enterprise aside from personal comfort. Having a decent vehicle doesn’t only mean mobility in business. Let’s face it! It’s also part of the marketing. Sadly, for clients (especially in the business that we are getting in) it’s mostly all about what clothes you’re wearing, what car you’re driving, and what language you’re speaking. But of course more than mere packaging, we believe that our product will speak for itself. We really can’t wait to launch it. This new business and the car loan have really put me and my husband in a new faith-stretching regimen. Time to power up in prayers!!! (as always)

3. “Wanted: Yaya!” If I could just easily hang that sign and take the first walk-in applicant. In a safe world (say 60 years ago) that would have been possible but this is Manila. I’ve been asked several times, “Why don’t you just get a maid from an agency?” I have three friends who were robbed by agency-hired maids on their FIRST DAY. Yikes! So even if I am desperate – no way! But yes, I really really badly need a Yaya for Kean. There have been days recently when I cannot send Kean to school because I’d be out the whole day in a shoot. My husband’s schedule is just as hectic. So we had to resort to bringing along a seven-year-old to my “business meetings” and video shoots as far as Batangas. And in fact not just a yaya. I think I finally need an all-around helper. I’ve been so busy with a lot of projects and with our new business that it has become a stretch for me to even fold our fresh laundry neatly into our closets. I miss baking. And fine cooking is becoming an event for me. Hopefully, once the business is set up I can re-set my routine and I’ll make sure cooking would be a part of it.
4. My freelance projects in progress! Argh! Let’s not even go to that. They’re all making me lose precious sleep and sanity. Let’s just say I officially hate making corporate videos. I officially hate writing for corporate events. I’ve given myself September as my deadline for accepting such accounts. Enough said.
5. Mostly what’s been keeping me busy are work, work, and more work, family matters, church ministry, and oh yeah I have to include slimming down. Stress has been making me fat. I hardly eat now but I am getting more bloated each day. My work makes me sit on my desk for HOURS. That must be the culprit. I badly need exercise but even that I hesitate to do because it’s time out of my already packed schedule. So to answer that, my very concerned mother sent me a Wii Fit Board. If you know the technology, it actually measures your BMI. And after you go through some body analytics exercises, it gives you your Wii Age. In Wii years my agility is that of a 60 year old! My goodness! Hahaha.
6. Well speaking of health, feeling guilty about being too busy and having lapses in parenting Kean, and keeping my sanity despite being overloaded with work, you would think that there’d be no space left for any other concern but to my surprise there was some news early this week that really had me on my knees. I know this girl who used to be my makeover model for MTV Fashionista from 8 years ago. And well, we didn’t really become that close but we would occasionally bump into each other in parties, events, and thanks to the Internet I got to keep tabs with her through her profile updates. So it was through Friendster that I learned about her pre-graduation pregnancy. It was through Multiply that I got to follow her candid, poignant, and wickedly witty stories in being a single mom to her adorable little boy Mio. In many ways, I fell in love with Mio just by reading his mommy’s anecdotes on him online. I just never imagined that it would also be through the internet (Facebook) that I would learn about five year old Mio’s battle with cancer. The moment I read about that I was crushed. Really devastated. Look, regardless how sad I was about the death of Francis Magalona, Michael Jackson, and Tita Cory, these events didn’t make me cry a river like Mio’s story did. And to think I was not even THAT close to his mother Jasmine. I haven’t even met Mio personally. I just know them through the photos and blogs and yet I am THIS crushed. Ask my husband. I could not sleep that night I got the news. Since I am not that close to Jas, I just texted. And knowing the magnitude of what she’s going through right now, I didn’t expect a reply. Right now Jasmine and Mio need your help through prayers and financial aid. Jasmine has started a new blog to chronicle her son’s battle with leukemia. http://miofightscancer.blogspot.com

So there… I think that’s enough update for now.
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