Jumping off from my recent musings on how the heroines of my single life turned out to be consolations rather than inspirations, I was challenged to look into the Scripture and study about the single women mentioned in the Bible. The women that I should have emulated when I was still single.
Of course the most famous single women ever mentioned in the Bible were the sisters of Lazarus who symbolized the dichotomy of Single Blessedness. Martha was the metaphor for Service while Mary depicted Spirituality. Although they serve as good testimonies already, don’t you think it would still be more encouraging to know that more single women were actively with Christ during his time? So I sought more names of single women from the Bible and these are the names that I came about through my research (Bible study guides, Internet and my own scripture rummaging). I do hope we can learn more about them in our Sunday Service and in our own prayer fellowship groups.
Not including Mary and Martha, Lazarus’s sisters, here are more single women who were radical enough to have gained recognition in the Bible:
Mary Magdalene (Matthew 27, Mark 16, and John 19, among others) was delivered from demonic possession by Jesus, followed him, and also supported him financially. She stood by Jesus' mother at His crucifixion, was present at his burial, and was the first person to whom Jesus revealed Himself after his resurrection Jesus changed her life dramatically and she never stopped following him, even to the cross. She represents loyalty to one's faith, and ministry through personal actions and finances.
Mary (Romans 16:6), doesn't have much said about her. Paul concludes this book with greetings to several people and mentions her as bestowing much labor on him. She represents a ministry in serving.
Dorcas a.k.a. Tabitha (Acts 9:36-42) was well known for her charitable works. She made coats and garments for the widows in her town. When Dorcas died unexpectedly, Peter prayed for her and she was resurrected. This resulted in many believing in the Lord. She represents a ministry of giving of herself in love.
Phoebe (Romans 16:1-2), was a deacon in Cenchrea and Paul gave her a personal recommendation to
Susanna (Luke 8:2-3), followed Jesus and supported him financially. Again, not much is said about her, but she was one of several women that did support Jesus' ministry in a financial capacity, according to Luke. She represents ministry through finances.
Damaris (Acts 17:34) became a Christian after Paul's sermon on Mars Hill. To do this, Damaris would have had to overcome a strong Greek culture with a huge pantheon of gods to find Jesus. Much like
Euodias and Syntche (Philippians 4:2), could have been either deacons or hostesses of church groups that met in their homes. These women must have argued over something because Paul wants them to resolve their differences and work towards unity. They did work with Paul to spread the gospel. These two women represent both having a ministry that can make a difference and letting petty disputes obscure your focus from that ministry.
If you know more about these fabulous females in the Bible, I would love for you to share how their stories moved your own lives. :-)
1 comment:
ehem... ehem... and the winner is. ah, di nga pala to contest ng mga single women. refreshing post. i remember having a devotional book entitled "women of the bible" from ot to nt. pati si pol naintriga't naging devotional material niya for less than a month.
among the nt women, i admire "lydia", "priscilla"(married) and "the sinful woman" of luke 7:37-38. i hope i'm becoming more and more like them. hahay, malayo pa ata! their passion, devotion, love, extravagant worship and service are what i pray for us in the coc to learn and have. may you continue to find "double blessings" in your diligent study of the Word.
shalom, sistah!:D
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